April 19th 1629A change in plans has occured. Juliet wil be wed to Paris in two days. My wife and I thought it better not to hold out for as long as we had planned, the wedding was going to hapen anyways so sooner is always better than later. The county seems to be pleased with this new arrangement which pleases me. I'm happy my daughter has found someone who loves her so much. I thought she woud be happy too but apparently not. My wife decided to tell Juliet the news today when then were talking and all I could hear was crying coming from the room. Our dear cousin Tybalt was murdered today, I thought that would have been the cause of it. That deffinatley was not the reason. Juliet and I got into a huge fight, she doesn't want to marry Paris. She will marry him because I said so and she may never find another man as good for her and he. I don't know why she's being so stubborn but she will come to her senses eventually.
April 20th 1629
I have never been so happy with my little Juliet. She finally stopped being so stubborn and changed her outlook on her wedding to County Paris. Thank goodness, although I would have had them wed anyways I would have slight guilt if I knew she wasn't happy on her wedding day. I'm so proud of my daughter. When she came to me this evening I truly believe that she was finally excited. I knew Paris would be the perfect husband for her, she probably just had a little bit of pre-wedding jitters. I'm glad we can put our little disagreement behind us and move on to the preparations and planning that has to be taken care of. Oh Paris will be so happy.
April 21st 1629I never thought that I would see the day where I had to take my beautiful daughter to the family tomb. When I woke up this morning I was going to see Juliet before the wedding to see how she was feeling about her big day but all I could hear coming from Juliet's room was screaming and crying. I ran to see what all the comotion was about and I saw my beloved daughter laying in her bed, still clothed, not breathing. I wish she had lived to see more of the world, that she could have been married and lived a long and joyus life. Oh why her, why now? I don't want to have to break the news to Paris, he'll be so devistated. Now we have to take a beautiful wedding day and turn it into a mornful funeral. As tradition, she was put into the Capulet family tomb today and Friar Lawrence came to give us all some parting words of wisdom. It all just seemed to be a daze to me, I still can't believe it. After everyone had left tonight Paris had gone back to pay his respects and met up with the Montague boy, Romeo. Everyone ended up back at the tomb and Friar Lawrence had to explain the whole situation and what he had done to everyone. My family and the Montague's have finally put out differences aside though, they even offered to have a gold statue made of my daughter so everyone may remember her. I have completley forgot what is was we had been fighting about for all these years. If not for my little girl I would never have learned to let go. Life's too short. I will always love my daughter for all she's done for me. Thank you Juliet.
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