April 16th 1629

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April 17th 1629Tybalt is dead. Romeo killed him today out in public and got banished from Verona. He didn't know what to do so he came to me for advice and I tried to console and come up with some kind of solution to his problems. I told him he needed to be happy he was only banished and not dead but he thinks it is just as bad because he can no longer see Juliet. Juliet's nurse came to see me when Romeo was with me. We made a plan to have Romeo go visit Juliet tonight.
April 20th 1629Today I told Juliet my plan for her and Romeo to run away together and be with each other happily. My plan is to give Juliet this drink that will make her appear to her family as dead but she will really be in a deep sleep, it will drain her of her colour and stop her breathing. She is to drink this before she goes to bed and it will make her sleep for 48 hours. When her family finds her, as tradition, she will be put into the family tomb and then when she awakes her Romeo, after receiving the news from myself, will be waiting for her so they may be together. I am very nervous, if anyone finds out now that I've played such a big part in this I could be in grave danger.
April 21st 1629Juliet was found "dead" by her family today, on the day she was supposed to be wed to the County Paris. That means the drink I gave her worked. Everyone was so devastated, her nurse found her. I'm starting to feel terrible for deceiving all these people, but I'm in too deep now there's nothing I can do. Her family plans to take her to the grave today to be buried, Romeo should show up this evening to take her from the grave so they may run away together. If all goes well they will be gone tonight and all will be well.
April 21st 1629 (evening)
My whole plan backfired on me, I should have known from the beginning it wouldn't work. I discovered Romeo had not received my letter so I hurried to the Capulet's vault to be there when he arrived so that I may explain to him what has happened. But while I was there County Paris showed up to pray at Juliet's tomb. I had to hide myself so he wouldn't see me and get suspicious. But Romeo arrived and encountered the County and a fight broke out amongst the two men. Romeo killed Paris. I never meant to cause anyone harm and that's exactly what happened. Romeo broke into the tomb only to find his beloved Juliet "dead", he never came out of the tomb. He decided he did not want to live without the love of his life and drank poison while in the tomb so he could be with his love forever. When Juliet awoke he found her Romeo laying beside her she was devastated, she took his dagger and slayed herself. I can not believe what this little plan has turned into. I never, ever imagined in my wildest dreams that death would come to so many people. I feel so incredibly terrible for all that I have done. I had to explain to everyone the whole story. In the end what I had done ended the long drawn out feud between the Montague's and Capulet's...but at what price?
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