Cupid.One of the many symbols Shakespeare uses in Romeo and Juliet is the symbol of Cupid. The symbol of Cupid is used to develop the theme of the fickle nature of love as well as the plot of the story. In the play Mercutio says to Romeo "You are a lover, borrow Cupid's wings, And soar with them above a common bound" (Shakespeare I.iv.17-18). What Mercutio is saying is for Romeo to get over Rosaline by falling madly in love with another woman, and making it sound like it is easy. This develops the theme fickle nature of love because it shows how quickly and easily teenagers fall in and out of love. Cupid symbolises how quickly love changes because although at first Romeo is saying he will never love anyone the way he did Rosaline after he goes to the masquerade ball and meets Juliet he instantly forgets about Rosaline and falls madly in love with Juliet. The symbol of Cupid develops plot because Romeo is wed to Juliet after just a few short days, it shows how love is always changing.

Poison. Another symbol used in the play is the poison that Romeo drinks in the final act. The poison is used to develop plot and character. Before dyeing Romeo says, "Here's to my love! [Drinks] O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die" (Shakespeare V.iii.119-120). Romeo decides to kill himself after discovering Juliet's body in the tomb, deciding he no longer wanted to live if he could not be with his love. This helps develop Romeo's character because it shows how much he truly loved Juliet that he would die for her. Romeo commiting suicide with the poison also helps develop plot beause Romeo's death led to Juleit's death when she woke up and discovered the love of her life laying dead beside her. This also devlops Juliet's character. In the play Juliet says. "To help me after? I will kiss thy lips, haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make me die with a restorative" (Shakespeare V.iii.164-166) This developed Juliet's character because it showed how much Juliet loved Romeo as well, for if Romeo had not driken the poison she would not have wanted to kill hersef.
Star.Finally, Shakespear uses the star symbol to develop plot throughout the play. In the play it says, "I fear too early, for my mind misgives, Some consequences yet hanging in the stars, Shall bitterly begin his fearful date, With this night's revels, and expire the term" (Shakespeare.I.iv.106-109). Romeo and Juliet are called "star-crossed lovers" the fued between their families keeps them from ever being together under normal circumstances. The star is a symbol of their fate, it symbolizes their love. It shows how love can be bright but it fades and goes away as quickly as a star fades from the sky as dawn aproaches.
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